Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Over the years I have learned one thing about many people. I especially have come to appreciate real friendships but the truth is that people have very few friends, a little more when you speak of acquaintances and more who just like to say “I know him, he’s a close friend” when you actually met them once.

Friends are those people who will be there for you when you call in the middle of the night without asking “why are you calling me”. Friends are those who, when they hear a rumor, come to you to find out the truth and believe you. Friends are people who give you the benefit of the doubt. Friends are those who stand by you because they know you and trust in you.

Over the past few years I have been sorely disappointed in some I considered friends. I include in that groups, clubs and committees as well as individuals. Power to some is worth the loss of a friend. The feeling of “knowing something no one else knows” even if that “something” is so outrageous as to be totally ridiculous and not worth the “knowing”.

I once was told I trust too many people and my only answer to that is that I would rather trust people and be disappointed than never trust anyone at all. Loyalty is a word in the dictionary. Faithfulness rarely exists. More than 50% of marriages fail which is one measurement of faithfulness, friendship and loyalty.

It is a rare person that would value friendship over power. It is a rare person that would rather agree to disagree and still remain friends. I have worked for friends and had them turn their backs on me when they had the power to help. I have trusted and been there for “friends in need” only to find that when a new person with different views comes into their lives they were quick to switch allegiances rather than understand that friends don’t need to have mutual friendships. I have “friends” who insist on being right about almost any subject without actually checking facts and never gives you the benefit of the doubt.

You may hear from “friends” once a day, once a week, once a month or once a year. I have friends I hear from occasionally but haven’t seen in years from the Service and from my youth. I have friends who know much more then I about some subjects and no matter when or what I ask I get an answer. I have friends who have been told they shouldn’t be a friend and remained loyal because they simply know me and knew better then to believe what someone who heard from someone had to say. I have friends that feel I have helped them when all I did was what I consider the right thing to do and I DID NOT expect thanks. Doing what is right does not require anything more than a simple “thank you”.

Sadly I have been disappointed many times but I still trust in some I call “friend” and feel that when help is needed I must be there for them sometimes fully knowing the help is not mutual.

But that’s me and as often as I’m told I need to change my views and behavior when it comes to that level of trust I will always be a “friend” and will be there for those in need without expecting anything in return. As many times as I say “I will never do that again” I know I will.

I hope I can call you “friend”.

I'm nobody! Who are you?
Emily Dickinson

I'm nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there's a pair of us -- don't tell!
They'd banish us, you know.
How dreary to be somebody!
How public, like a frog
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Dangerous Change of Direction

The President, on May 19, 2011, state that the United States Position on the Middle East Crisis was to side with the Palestinians. Every President since 1948 when Israel was created has tried to deal with this issue but have spoken on behalf of THE ADMINISTRATION.

To radically change direction and turn our backs on our only real ally in the region is not just foolish, it’s insane.

And what is his plan…to leave Israel defenseless and to give over to the sworn enemies of the Jewish nation more than half of Israel’s territory. “Israel must be able to defend itself BY ITSELF.” If we ever had a President who did not understand foreign relations and the impact of a Palestinian State run by Hammas and Fatah we have one now.

President Obama in all his ignorance has called for a return to the 1967 borders. He said, “a Palestinian State for a homeland for the Palestinian people, will secure a viable Palestine and a secure Israel based on 1967 lines for a Palestinian State.”

For those who do not remember the ’67 war, Syria, Egypt and Lebanon amassed troops on the Israeli border. Once the invasion began Israel defended itself and defeated all three nations. The concessions made by the invaders were to give up the West Bank, the Golan Heights and the Gaza Strip.

Anyone that has been to Israel knows that the indiscriminate bombing of Israel is coming from the Gaza Strip which is in Palestinian hands, and Jerusalem, the capital of Israel is in the West Bank and the from the Golan Heights Syria can reach any area of Israel with the least amount of effort.

Brilliant plan. And what do the Palestinians have to give…take out the clause in their charter about the destruction of Israel and recognize Israel’s right to exist. In other words Israel gives up land and the Palestinians give up nothing. This sounds to me like a road map to the destruction of Israel.

Obama’s plan is like saying the United States should go back to the borders prior to when California and Texas were taken from Mexico and give back those “occupied” territories to Mexico.

Now let’s examine what this does for all Muslims in the Middle East. In their eyes we have now changed sides and will be assisting them in obtaining a base for a Palestinian State that will be the training grounds for their efforts to push “the Jews” into the ocean. They are adamant about the killing of all Jews no matter where they are found. Some will say this is the belief of only the radical Muslims but we have now given those same radicals the hope of achieving their goals. We have empowered the Muslim world by giving them the impression that we, the United States, not the Administration, is fully behind a Muslim take over. What happens when they ask for our assistance and we don’t give it? Are we then going to be their targets? Have we now given those who want the destruction of not only Israel but the “Great Satan”, the United States, another reason to hate us as if in their minds they don’t have enough reason already?

If President Obama thinks this will gain us a better reputation with the Muslim world he is delusional.

As reported by “Obama had no solution to the question of Hamas, and no blueprint for how to solve enormous conflicts over the status of Jerusalem and the fate of Palestinian refugees. The border issue, he conceded, was just a start.”
Apparently Obama has no solution period and has done nothing more than make a complicated problem even more dangerous and even more difficult did, nothing to help the Palestinians, made matters worse for Israel and the United States and has made the world a more dangerous place to live in.

The full text: Full Text of Obama's Speach

Monday, May 2, 2011

Getting bin Laden

I may be the nay sayer today but my opinion is that Osama ben Ladin was of little consequence and his death is meaningless.

It was a great moral victory for those who lost people in Khobar Bar Towers, the USS Cole the first and second attack of the World Trade Center but when, from Clinton through the Bush eras, bin Laden has been controlling many mass murders of Americans throughout the world. When bin Laden declares war on the United States and lives almost 20 years after making that statement, “we finally got him” is of little consequence.

But who was bin Laden other than a figure head? His voice has been heard threatening the U.S. often over those years. What did we do, we said we are for “change in the Middle East”. Can anyone tell me what that is?

We have miscalculated what the “change” in a radical Islamists mind really is. Simply stated, its Sharia Law. By supporting and propping up tyrants and even taking one off the banned list, Qaddafi and Libya, what have we really accomplished?

Every time we “got” a leader of the Islamic Terrorist the next day another seamlessly replaces him. Should we fear retaliation? No! Their goal has been to take back places like Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Yemin and other places. Iran is already lost to “democracy”. When we leave Iraq and Afghanistan how long do you think it will be before Radical Islam is the law of the land?

Why attack us? After all – they won. They will have North Africa and the Middle East and drag it bag to the dark ages and their threat to Israel will be close at hand. Sharia Law and Muslim Brotherhood will be the ruling body all over the mid east. Let’s not forget Sri Lanka and the problems in France and England. They are winning in every country that we have supported all these years.

Once they organize than we had better be prepared. Until than bin Laden was just another puppet of the Muslin Brotherhood and their quest to rule the world under THEIR law.

What really bothers me is that we have completely misread what their ultimate goal is and we don’t have much time to make changes to our philosophy towards Islam now.

So was it a great day for the U.S by “getting bin Laden” or was it just another reason to give the radicals a motive to persist in their already successful onslaught in the Middle East?

I’m glad he’s dead. I worked the area just east of the Towers and my niece’s classmates lost many of their family that worked in the Towers. I fear we will let our guard down, not hear but in their own homeland and mostly I fear for Israel.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Let the Rallies Begin

Yesterday, March 8, various Unions organized rallies against Gov. Scott’s proposed budget. These rallies have been in the planning stages for the past few weeks with the assistance of the same group that aided the Wisconsin and other state demonstrations, “Organizing for America” whose website can be found at www.barrackobama .com.

Here in Brevard we had our own demonstrations near the government center in Viera. Needless to say I have a few observations about what took place and my own views on what should have taken place and they are vastly different. Unfortunately, no one asked for an opinion and none was given. I only found out about the counter demonstrations the night before the rally. The counter demonstration was then scheduled for 30 minutes after the “Wake up Florida” Rally.

Poor planning? That’s being kind. We are still playing catch up with the greatest community organizer this country has ever seen, Barrack Obama and Organizing for America, and they are pulling away.

Let’s start with the late notice. Some of us are good conservatives. Notice I didn’t say “Republicans”. To me, most conservatives that hold our common views actually work for a living, don’t take stimulus money, and find ways to support themselves and their families without government assistance. That being said, 24 to 48 hours notice doesn’t give conservative groups time to organize properly.

If you have been paying CLOSE attention to what has actually been happening you would know that many of the demonstrators are not the “Teachers” the main stream media has been telling you about. In fact some are not even from Florida. Think about the close proximity of Georgia to Tallahassee. It was not hard for Organizing for America and “Wake up Florida” to bus or van pool down Apalachicola Parkway to the Capitol.

Their timing wasn’t well thought out either. Political Science Lesson number 1: SESSION HASN’T STARTED YET AND THERE IS NO SOLID BUDGET TO PROTEST. Having been involved in the process I can tell you that before there is anything to protest about we first have to see the budget that will be proposed by the Florida House of Representatives. Next will be the Florida Senate Budget proposal, which I can almost guarantee will be far different then the House’ proposal. We’ve only seen the Governor’s budget.

Step two: Once all three proposals are on the table the differences must be reconciled in CONFERENCE COMMITTEE. What comes out of that will be vastly different than what we will be seeing within the next few weeks.

So the timing, if I were planning this, was poorly conceived. The time to hold these protests would be just prior to when the final budget is revealed.
Step 3: Remember also, it isn’t the state that negotiates the contracts with the Teacher’s Union; it’s the local School Districts in most cases.

What amazes me is that we’ve had all through the primary process and the general election process to listen to what Governor Scott proposed to do. The Democrats and the Independents heard the same message we all heard and Governor Scott is keeping his word and doing exactly what he said he would. He’s operating this state as a business and not as a political entity. Why did the opposition think things would be different once the elections were over? How refreshing to see a “new” politician keep his word! Do we have to agree with him? No! Should we be surprised as what he’s doing? In the word’s of the Geigo advertisement “What? Have you been living under a rock?”

Finally, Follow the Money. The Democrats seem to think “they have a lock” on the next gubernatorial and legislative elections because of the Republicans effort to “union bust”. The union bosses can encourage their members to “wild cat” or walk off the job in order to participate in protests. Of course they won’t be penalized; they are “the union bosses” but the youngest and brightest of the teachers in that union’s case will be faced with layoffs if an agreement can’t be reached.

They are being asked to contribute to their pensions and their medical benefits. They are being told this is tantamount to a pay cut. In actuality, they will have a slightly (5% maximum) lower pay check, continue to receive medical benefits and upon retirement, receive a pension. The alternative – LAYOFFS and no pay check.
They will continue to pay union dues which part of will go into the campaign coffers of those politicians who promise to deliver what the union wants. The “union bosses” will still be receiving their pay checks and have a job which can’t necessarily be said for their members.

They union bosses are badly misreading the “tea leaves” and leading the membership down the path to perdition. The union members are happy to hear what they want to hear and are deaf to the real possibility of losing their jobs rather than, like many, take a pay cut that would not drastically affect their family or their lifestyle.

To me the choices are clear Pay Check (maybe a LITTLE smaller) or Increase the Unemployment rolls. I know where I'd be.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How to Use Alynski's Rules For Radicals and the Republican Men's Club

A close acquaintance of mine heard of a situation that occurred with the Republican Men’s Club of Brevard.  This incident happened in October and it resulted in a Democrat being elected to the Board and a Republican who was registered in Texas and can’t even vote in our County being elected as Vice President.

Over the past months certain Board Members have been using Alynski’s Rules for Radicals to use a “crisis” to further their purpose in order to discredit me and put me on the defensive so as to redirect the egregious error away from them.  As the former Secretary of the club I kept meticulous minutes and as someone who has been accused of being too much of stickler for rules I made sure that the Board new of the mistake.  Rather than correcting the error the next meeting focused on how to cover up the mistake.

Who to blame became the obsession of the President of the Club.  What disturbed me the most was my naiveté.  I believed this man, and I used that term loosely, was a friend.  I sponsored him to be a member of my church, we opened our home to him, his “significant other”, their children and one friend of each child and their dogs during the Palm Bay fires.  We “dog-sat” whenever they needed someone to watch their two dogs while they vacationed.  I guess I’m as angry at myself as hurt by their treatment.

When I made suggestions as to how to correct the Constitution, Rules and By Laws it was looked at as an attempt to change the rules in order benefit the “looser”.  Words use by my so called friend.  Since I was the “looser” on the Board I was astounded that certain Board Members were more interested in keeping this private rather than admitting the error and correcting the Rules so that this might not happen again.  I was shocked at the vehemence aimed at the Secretary and the effort to say the responsibility lies with the office of Secretary.  I felt the only honorable thing to do when attacked in such a manner was to resign.  I also feel that when the Board voted 6-1 to invalidate the election and the President didn’t feel he was bound by the vote of the Board he should also do the honorable thing and resign. I admire the two men in question. They were honest and forthright. They both voted to invalidate the election feeling they would win again.

A few days after this the deflection began.  Accusations of falsifying the minutes were spread.  Reasons that I resigned were made for me – “he’s upset because he lost”.   People, I am a Conservative and a Republican.  I ran more than once for Chair of the Brevard Republican Executive Committee, lost and remained on the Committee and worked hard for the Party. 

We are talking about a Club here.  We’re talking about a club that had potential but because of their lack of true leadership has now devolved into another social club.  We’re talking about a club that has in its leadership someone who feels that he alone can direct the future of the club. 

Of course there is a lot of revisionist history going on too.  During the election for President I was asked by no less than 4 people to run for President of the club but declined.  I nominated the current President who then nominated me for Vice-President.  During the first year I was asked to step aside so that someone that had potential as a future leader could step in and I did for the good of the Club and took on the position of Treasurer.  Shortly thereafter I was again asked to step aside from that to allow someone who wanted to be Treasurer to do so and take the position of Secretary.  So, much of the failure of the Secretary must lie with the former Secretary as I had only been the Secretary for a few months.

Here we are almost 6 months later and the attacks are beginning again.  I have been slandered, my name smeared and all so that someone with aspirations to be an elected official can try to maintain his “integrity” for the future bid for office. 
I can only say I have received notes and calls of support and being told, once again, I must be a poor judge of character to think this person had any character at all.

Thank you to all those who have faith in me, have remained true and know what honor really means.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Committees, Clubs and Lessons Not Learned

I recently attended a Brevard Republican Executive
Committee meeting. This is a committee that the long time Secretary and myself were threatened with having charges filed against us for violation of the Loyalty Oath because we divulged the disrespectful and threatening treatment of a sitting State Senator. We pointed out that we disagreed with much of the Senator’s votes and don’t necessarily hold the same views as he does. This caused us to resign from such an organization that doesn’t allow for independent

We have seen the transformation of this committee from one that quietly, over the years, changed this county from a predominantly a Democratic County into a Republican County. The “old guard” committee, quietly, changed the County Commission from a predominantly Democratic lead Commission to a Republican Commission. The “old guard” committee did the same with the state and federal offices.

The transformation is from a committee that had members that sometimes disagreed with each other but were not disagreeable to a committee of zealots that don’t allow for varying views and one that entitles members to express their views as long as those views agree with their agenda. If not you are subjected to threats, whisper campaigns and outright ostracism.

This attitude has become viral. Its contagion has extended to some republican clubs where people are put in place on Boards that are chosen not necessarily elected. I have witnessed one club president mold the board into one that will allow the President to put in place an agenda that he has shaped and took overt steps to make sure his board would be one that does not pose objections. In fact in one case when the board voted one way he over road the board’s decision as if they didn’t exist except to do his will.

As for the BREC, I watched as the Committee was told the financial reports are completely transparent so that everyone on the Committee will know exactly where the money is being spent. REALLY? I took a copy of the report and saw no dates, no vouchers reported, payments that were made with no explanation as to what the amount reported was actually used for, no check numbers or accounting as to how the money was paid, in short, no transparency. I even held it up to the light, coated it with lemon juice, looking for secret writing. Nothing!

I witnessed some senior members of the “old guard” ask questions and be castigated because “we’re not speaking about that right now.” I heard the back stabbing remarks made about members who, on their time, create a new club and some of those same zealots spoken of earlier start the whisper campaign even before the organizers of the club were finished explaining what
the purpose of the club was.

I listened as credit was taken for a successful 2010 election as if the Committee had something to do with it. As an outsider, what I saw was that very few members did work for their preferred candidates as individuals, not as members of the Committee. What I didn’t see was coordination. No “clearing house” for organized efforts for any one candidate. I heard remarks such as “I don’t live in that district so I can’t help” when what should have been said in some cases was “I don’t have a real race in my district, where else can I help?”

I heard that new rules are being instituted. This is after operating for many years on the trust of personal responsibility without having to need codified rules. Now there so many rules that charges can be brought without the person being charged even knowing what and where the charges came from. When we reached the point that so many rules are needed because we can no longer trust or rely on a person word being his bond we are now constantly looking over our shoulders, not at the opposition, but at people in our own party.

I heard of the “Membership Committee” which will be so large that almost anyone can be on it but didn’t hear what the purpose of this Committee is. Are we now choosing who we want on the governing committee of the local political party and keeping those who disagree out?

It’s time to begin healing within our own party. It’s time to start cooperating with each other. Unfortunately, those in charge and many of the new members who are being trained by the untrained don’t know how to leave their own personal beliefs at the door of the Committee room and work towards a common goal to accomplish that which would benefit the whole rather than force an agenda that suits the few.

To me the agenda is clear: Find candidates who represent the small majority of the extremists Republicans in this county rather than representing the larger, more moderate Republicans that make up the major portion of the registered Republicans in our County. One would have thought that after the last election the candidates that were foisted upon the County both had dramatic losses that this is not the trend the party needs to follow.

But after visiting the Committee I saw that this lesson was not learned and, in fact, has expanded to finding even more extreme right wing members to bring back the nick name of this county through our the state, “Bizarre County”. When will this change?

I have a lot of knowledge and opinions as to how things should be but I don’t have an answer to this.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Power in the Wrong Hands

We recently went through an election that showed that the American people are well aware that some of those in power in D.C., Tallahassee and Viera needed a reminder that we are watching.

Who are these people that WE had put in office that now we don’t trust to reach into our pockets and use it in the manner we would find acceptable. We want to use our money, with few exceptions, ourselves.

Where did these people come from?

We put them there. We elected them. We thought they were competent and had the ability to deal with government in a way that we would be proud of. We thought they would be people we would want as neighbors and be able to call “friend”. These people we call “friends” decide at some point they know what’s best for us so they run for office. If we, as the electorate, do our job and research the qualifications of the candidates we might find out that the perception that they are upstanding and deserving of the position may not fit the reality of the truth behind the rhetoric we hear whenever the potential candidate speaks.

It’s the end of the year and it’s time for all the talking heads to look back at 2010. Local politicians and influential people look back and tell us how the success of the Tea Party Movement was so victorious that they have moved the Nation back towards the right. The Tea Party philosophy brought the House down literally by taking over the House of Representatives. They take the credit for placing in power Republican who espouses the Tea Party values. Many of these newly elected officials never held a position in politics, never had a leadership position within any Party or Club and many can’t find their way around the halls of office.

This sounds like exactly what we want – a return to the Citizen Politician.

Power in the hands of those who have never had power or responsibilities in their lives often develops into despotism when the leaders of groups and clubs conclude that they, and only they, know what’s best for those in their clubs or organizations. There is no longer a give and take, there is only a follow orders mentality. It takes a certain knowledge of how the system works in order to use the system to bring us the best leaders we can find to represent us.

Take Florida as an example. Years ago when the budget was in the millions of dollars a citizen politician could take 60 days out of their year to legislate. Now that the budget is spoken of in the billions of dollars it takes someone with knowledge of the system to make this work within the 60 days if it can be done at all. Over the past few years although the Session ended on time we found need to have Special Sessions called to either readjust the budget or repair glitches to legislation rushed through the regular Session.


Tea Party? I missed it. I saw campaign rallies billed as Tea Parties. I’ve seen candidates who were soundly rejected by the mainstream republicans. I’ve heard all year long how we need to replace those considered RINOs only to have the incumbents go without any serious challenge in most cases.

Then we have the Brevard Republican Executive Committee that has completely been overrun by extreme right wing factions who, in my opinion are also RINOs (See my definition of RINO)We have clubs like the Brevard Republican Men’s Club that has officers that have very little experience with a president who makes no secret that this is nothing more than a jumping off point for elected office. We have many who say how hard they worked as a club when the truth is individuals from the clubs worked on individual campaigns but no concerted effort by any one club to actually organize and work as a nit to help any candidate.

My Prediction

I fear that the Tea Party Movement will lose momentum. When the Tea Party locally can’t come up with viable candidates and it seems to be controlled by a very few people with ulterior motives unless someone takes up the mantle the Tea Party may fade away in Brevard or continue to just be a soap box for individuals with future expectations.

We did not win 2010. We won the House of Representatives. When I was asked if I thought the compromise on the Bush Tax Plan was a good compromise I said “Yes!” The others that were there at the time completely disagreed and used the same argument “we should have held out until next year when we take over”.

Take over what – The HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. These people don’t understand that whatever is passed in the House, a companion bill needs to be passed in the Senate. Oh, that’s right, we don’t control the Senate. So, off to Conference Committee and try to hammer out a compromise. Then it’s off to the White House for the President’s signature. Oh, that’s right, Obama is still the President. Six months, a year down the road and we wind up with nothing.
This showed me that the people I was speaking with knew little about the workings of government and some of these people will still take the “credit” for our “win” in 2010.

2012 is the pivotal year for our Nation. Without the ability to overturn vetoes, without the ability or the will to overturn bad legislation and stop pork barrel and earmark legislation and lower our debt the Democrats will have a huge finger to point, rightfully, at the Republicans and simply say “hypocrite”.

Our Founding Fathers knew what needed to be done and feared where we might go.

In closing:

Not in my words by the words of probably the most intelligent man of his time.

“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.”
Thomas Jefferson