Monday, May 2, 2011

Getting bin Laden

I may be the nay sayer today but my opinion is that Osama ben Ladin was of little consequence and his death is meaningless.

It was a great moral victory for those who lost people in Khobar Bar Towers, the USS Cole the first and second attack of the World Trade Center but when, from Clinton through the Bush eras, bin Laden has been controlling many mass murders of Americans throughout the world. When bin Laden declares war on the United States and lives almost 20 years after making that statement, “we finally got him” is of little consequence.

But who was bin Laden other than a figure head? His voice has been heard threatening the U.S. often over those years. What did we do, we said we are for “change in the Middle East”. Can anyone tell me what that is?

We have miscalculated what the “change” in a radical Islamists mind really is. Simply stated, its Sharia Law. By supporting and propping up tyrants and even taking one off the banned list, Qaddafi and Libya, what have we really accomplished?

Every time we “got” a leader of the Islamic Terrorist the next day another seamlessly replaces him. Should we fear retaliation? No! Their goal has been to take back places like Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Yemin and other places. Iran is already lost to “democracy”. When we leave Iraq and Afghanistan how long do you think it will be before Radical Islam is the law of the land?

Why attack us? After all – they won. They will have North Africa and the Middle East and drag it bag to the dark ages and their threat to Israel will be close at hand. Sharia Law and Muslim Brotherhood will be the ruling body all over the mid east. Let’s not forget Sri Lanka and the problems in France and England. They are winning in every country that we have supported all these years.

Once they organize than we had better be prepared. Until than bin Laden was just another puppet of the Muslin Brotherhood and their quest to rule the world under THEIR law.

What really bothers me is that we have completely misread what their ultimate goal is and we don’t have much time to make changes to our philosophy towards Islam now.

So was it a great day for the U.S by “getting bin Laden” or was it just another reason to give the radicals a motive to persist in their already successful onslaught in the Middle East?

I’m glad he’s dead. I worked the area just east of the Towers and my niece’s classmates lost many of their family that worked in the Towers. I fear we will let our guard down, not hear but in their own homeland and mostly I fear for Israel.

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