Friday, May 20, 2011

Dangerous Change of Direction

The President, on May 19, 2011, state that the United States Position on the Middle East Crisis was to side with the Palestinians. Every President since 1948 when Israel was created has tried to deal with this issue but have spoken on behalf of THE ADMINISTRATION.

To radically change direction and turn our backs on our only real ally in the region is not just foolish, it’s insane.

And what is his plan…to leave Israel defenseless and to give over to the sworn enemies of the Jewish nation more than half of Israel’s territory. “Israel must be able to defend itself BY ITSELF.” If we ever had a President who did not understand foreign relations and the impact of a Palestinian State run by Hammas and Fatah we have one now.

President Obama in all his ignorance has called for a return to the 1967 borders. He said, “a Palestinian State for a homeland for the Palestinian people, will secure a viable Palestine and a secure Israel based on 1967 lines for a Palestinian State.”

For those who do not remember the ’67 war, Syria, Egypt and Lebanon amassed troops on the Israeli border. Once the invasion began Israel defended itself and defeated all three nations. The concessions made by the invaders were to give up the West Bank, the Golan Heights and the Gaza Strip.

Anyone that has been to Israel knows that the indiscriminate bombing of Israel is coming from the Gaza Strip which is in Palestinian hands, and Jerusalem, the capital of Israel is in the West Bank and the from the Golan Heights Syria can reach any area of Israel with the least amount of effort.

Brilliant plan. And what do the Palestinians have to give…take out the clause in their charter about the destruction of Israel and recognize Israel’s right to exist. In other words Israel gives up land and the Palestinians give up nothing. This sounds to me like a road map to the destruction of Israel.

Obama’s plan is like saying the United States should go back to the borders prior to when California and Texas were taken from Mexico and give back those “occupied” territories to Mexico.

Now let’s examine what this does for all Muslims in the Middle East. In their eyes we have now changed sides and will be assisting them in obtaining a base for a Palestinian State that will be the training grounds for their efforts to push “the Jews” into the ocean. They are adamant about the killing of all Jews no matter where they are found. Some will say this is the belief of only the radical Muslims but we have now given those same radicals the hope of achieving their goals. We have empowered the Muslim world by giving them the impression that we, the United States, not the Administration, is fully behind a Muslim take over. What happens when they ask for our assistance and we don’t give it? Are we then going to be their targets? Have we now given those who want the destruction of not only Israel but the “Great Satan”, the United States, another reason to hate us as if in their minds they don’t have enough reason already?

If President Obama thinks this will gain us a better reputation with the Muslim world he is delusional.

As reported by “Obama had no solution to the question of Hamas, and no blueprint for how to solve enormous conflicts over the status of Jerusalem and the fate of Palestinian refugees. The border issue, he conceded, was just a start.”
Apparently Obama has no solution period and has done nothing more than make a complicated problem even more dangerous and even more difficult did, nothing to help the Palestinians, made matters worse for Israel and the United States and has made the world a more dangerous place to live in.

The full text: Full Text of Obama's Speach

Monday, May 2, 2011

Getting bin Laden

I may be the nay sayer today but my opinion is that Osama ben Ladin was of little consequence and his death is meaningless.

It was a great moral victory for those who lost people in Khobar Bar Towers, the USS Cole the first and second attack of the World Trade Center but when, from Clinton through the Bush eras, bin Laden has been controlling many mass murders of Americans throughout the world. When bin Laden declares war on the United States and lives almost 20 years after making that statement, “we finally got him” is of little consequence.

But who was bin Laden other than a figure head? His voice has been heard threatening the U.S. often over those years. What did we do, we said we are for “change in the Middle East”. Can anyone tell me what that is?

We have miscalculated what the “change” in a radical Islamists mind really is. Simply stated, its Sharia Law. By supporting and propping up tyrants and even taking one off the banned list, Qaddafi and Libya, what have we really accomplished?

Every time we “got” a leader of the Islamic Terrorist the next day another seamlessly replaces him. Should we fear retaliation? No! Their goal has been to take back places like Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Yemin and other places. Iran is already lost to “democracy”. When we leave Iraq and Afghanistan how long do you think it will be before Radical Islam is the law of the land?

Why attack us? After all – they won. They will have North Africa and the Middle East and drag it bag to the dark ages and their threat to Israel will be close at hand. Sharia Law and Muslim Brotherhood will be the ruling body all over the mid east. Let’s not forget Sri Lanka and the problems in France and England. They are winning in every country that we have supported all these years.

Once they organize than we had better be prepared. Until than bin Laden was just another puppet of the Muslin Brotherhood and their quest to rule the world under THEIR law.

What really bothers me is that we have completely misread what their ultimate goal is and we don’t have much time to make changes to our philosophy towards Islam now.

So was it a great day for the U.S by “getting bin Laden” or was it just another reason to give the radicals a motive to persist in their already successful onslaught in the Middle East?

I’m glad he’s dead. I worked the area just east of the Towers and my niece’s classmates lost many of their family that worked in the Towers. I fear we will let our guard down, not hear but in their own homeland and mostly I fear for Israel.